- 灯芯绒织物的pile保持力试验法 testing methods for pile abrasive retention of corduroy fabrics
- 军师 counsellor
- 目的探讨中华墨汁作为前哨淋巴结活检(sentinel lymph node biopsy,SLNB)示踪剂的价值。 To investigate the potential clinical value of Chinese ink as a tracer in dye-directed sentinel lymph node biopsy. Methods: Forty-two female rabbits were randomly divided into 7 groups.
- 军绿 military green
- 领军 leading
- 军演 military exercise
- 军曹 choush
- 三军 army; the three armed services
- 华军软件园 Huajun Software Field
- 领军人物 leader
- 俄军 Russian army
- 台军 Taiwan army
- 总统也是三军的统帅。 The president is also the chief of the armed forces.
- 她为救世军工作。 She works for the Salvation Army.
- 军曹大声发布命令。 The sergeant bawled commands.
- 敌人溃不成军。 The enemy was in full rout.
- 南军制服 the Confederate uniform
- 狙击兵和非正规军袭击了巡逻队 Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol.
- 军便服 service-dress
- 约有二千人编组成军加强防御工事。 About two thousand men were ganged out to strengthen the works.